Wednesday, February 19, 2020

CD Project: Don Henley

1 comment:

  1. Good job overall... a few tweaks will make the project even stronger.
    Starting with the back, The white playlist type is good and legible. it separates from the image nicely, The black type on the spines and the bottom is harder to read. I see how you matched the title in black with the front. It too starts to merge with the gray image background. I'm wondering if white wouldn't be a better choice and to make the title on the front bold as well... The playlist also merged into the gray background... white would probably be more readable.

    On the spines on the back, you could darken the image and use white... I see on the left side "Don Henley" is missing... :) When using returns to type a new line, the auto leading rarely looks good. A tighter distance between the lines in better... start by setting the leading to the same point size as the font and reduce from there.


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